
The ultimate goal for a Model UN conference is to write a comprehensive resolution that is passed with the support of a large consensus of voting members. The resolutions recognizes the problems and past actions in the preambulatory clauses, and lists specific suggestions or solutions in the operative clauses.

Resolution writing can become very complicated and must follow a conference's prescribed format. Tension and conflict may arise due to changes in wording and "ownership" of a resolution. This page will help you in understanding how to write an effective position paper.

Best Delegate: How to Write a Resolution

All American MUN: How to Write a Model UN Resolution

Sample Resolution (Simple):

Draft Resolution 1.2
Sponsors: Albania, Tunisia, Algeria, Indonesia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Kuwait
Signatories: United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Australia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Bangladesh

Recognizing the reports assembled by the General Assembly in A/RES/73/279,
Affirming the founding principals of the United Nations and the international community’s commitment to the protection of human rights,
Calling upon transnational corporations to follow the protocols outlined in the Human Right’s Council RES/26/9,

The General Assembly,

1. Calls upon member states to design and implement a progressive corporate tax scheme designed to increase funding to rural education to meet the following goals:
    a. Reduce the percentage of children under the age of 12 not enrolled in school to under 10% by 2025,
    b. Decrease the teacher to student ratio to no more than 25 students to every one teacher;
2. Requires the Economic and Social Council to submit reports to the General Assembly every four years on the progress member states are making to reach the goals outlined in this resolution.

Another sample resolution:

Sara & Dasia's Resolution from MUNUC:

2.1 (Working Papers 1.1 and 1.7 Merge)

Respecting each country’s right to National Sovereignty,

Understanding the significance of economic wellbeing and its impact on a community,

Noting with deep concern the current global poverty levels,

This UN Body Here Assembled:

1)   Advises the use of Grassroots Support Organizations (GSO) to provide basic necessities for the less fortunate,
a)    Grassroots programs can enhance impoverished communities by:
i)     Providing a holistic education which emphasizes life skills, basic economics, and vocational training which will allow students to work some days of the week and will be based on the businesses created by microfinancing in the underdeveloped nations
ii)    Forging links between beneficiaries and remote levels of government, donor, and financial institutions to build sustainable alternatives to current living conditions
b)   GSOs provide indirect services to other organizations that support the poor and perform networking functions including:
i)     Relief International, World Vision International, and Charity Partners
c)    The goal of GSO is to bridge the gap between private and public sectors, and the organization has full discretion on how it uses its funds.
2)   Requests the IMF and its constituent countries target needy households using the OECD’s transparent, adjusted disposable income method,
a)    This quantifies the amount of spendable income per household, and allows evaluation of the role of public spending on health, education, and housing per household;
3)   Urges countries to implement income/employment-contingent loans to encourage tertiary education,
a)    If a student is unable to find employment or is vastly underemployed within the first five years of graduation, they will not be charged interest or charged interest at a lower rate, respectively;
b.) Endorses the use of scholarships as in incentive to increase enrollment in tertiary education and stimulate the economy
            i. Need-based scholarships should be implemented to:
  1. Promote further education of the people
  2. Allow for equal opportunities in the workforce
                        ii. These scholarships will be funded through microfinancing profits and World Bank Loans      
4)   Encourages countries to implement  public works programs to improve infrastructure,
a)    By setting wages below those prevailing in the market to ensure the programs are “self targeted,” but enough money for the workers to live better
b) Public works projects include, but are not limited to, improving public transportation, expanding interstate systems, and the building of hospitals and educational institutions
c) These projects will serve as on-the-job vocational training, allowing the previously impoverished populace to receive training for higher paying jobs
5)   Strongly recommends that advanced economies use active labor market policies in times of economic downturn to increase employment and general prosperity;
6)   Encourages the expansion of micro financial institutions in developing nations,
a)    Each nation should independently determine how much expansion it is capable of supporting
b)   Stresses the implementation of micro financial loans for agriculture and business development in underdeveloped economies    

i)     Micro financial loans for businesses will be lent to groups of at least four individuals
(1) In order to receive said loans, prospective candidates  must present a cohesive business plan
(2) Interest rates will vary from country to country depending on the monetary policy of a country’s central bank
ii)    Agriculture loans will be used within nations with fertile land to help develop incentivized agriculture
(1) Nations should lease government-owned fertile land to farmers at sensible prices
(2) Governments may additionally use subsidies to pay for a certain fraction of the costs, tools, and materials needed for agricultural activities where they see fit
c)  Collateral on loans is optional, but highly encouraged
d.) Suggests that a percent of profits earned through microfinancing goes to funding schools in a nation to increase the self sufficiency of communities
e.) Advises the aid of NGOs, especially those under the Microcredit Summit Campaign to fund Micro Financing
7)   Calls for the implementation of the Redefined Income Tax System (RITS) which,
a)    Uses a progressive tax that:
i.  Includes the optional implementation of the Buffett Rule, which stipulates that the minimum tax rate for the top income bracket be no less than the median effective tax rate for the lower income earners
ii.  Emphasizes programs aimed towards subsidizing education, infrastructure, mortgages, new businesses in rural areas, and social services
b. Ensures government accountability, and that the money received through taxes properly allocated;
8. Invites countries to endorse fiscal policies and create incentives for companies to,
            a. increase female labor participation by
i.Increasing the amount of women in the workforce,
ii.Providing women opportunities to help support their families,
iii. Allowing for maternity leave for working mothers, and paternity leave to working fathers,(to insure child-rearing is taken care of for a longer period of time)
iv. Strengthening the role between UN Women and the IMF to raise awareness for the integration of women into the workforce and gradually incorporate women’s involvement in countries which contrarily view women
b. increase religious and ethnic minority participation in the economy
            i. through nondiscriminatory policies
            ii. through vocational training and education in their native language and the country’s official language

            c. Encourage companies to register their undocumented workers in order for the company to receive tax credits;
9. Authorizes the IMF to measure inequality through the United Nations Development programs Inequality- Adjusted Human Development Index,
            a. Assessment will occur on an annual basis
            b. After assessment, the IMF can suggest reforms depending on the distribution of health, education and income inequality with each country
10. Recommends the prioritization of primary and secondary education as a means of cultivating human capital and thus reducing inequality through,
a. Focusing on student performance, as standardized test scores have correlated with real world success
b. Improving student test scores by facilitating teacher quality by:
i. looking to reduce student to teacher ratio, leading to improved student performance,
ii. Encouraging experimentation with new incentives schemes, such as new approaches to teacher compensation, parental school choice, or merit awards for schools,
iii.  Advocating better teacher training and schooling
c. Raising student enrollment rates in public schools through:
i. Improving complementary human capital
ii. Promoting the benefits of education much like systems in Madagascar and the Dominican Republic to make the public aware of educations added value
d. Stressing the improvement of schooling facilities through increased literacy rates
e. Encouraging night school programs through:        
i. Offering night school programs for adults who are wishing to receive GED
ii. Schools will operate in educational buildings during hours of operation
iii. Teachers will be hired to teach school as added shift
f. NGO’s designed to promote and design educational centers
i. Room to Read to aid in building literacy and promoting gender equality
ii. Pratham to provide educational and vocational training
iii. Center for digital Inclusion to make technological education accessible
iv. Global Education Associates
v. Tostan to aid in  community developed education
vi. Care- education to provide education to children in underdeveloped countries

11. Requests the implementation of education for women to:
a. Increase the amount of women in the workforce
b. Provide women opportunities to provide for their families

12. Advocates the reformation of common taxation practices to reduce inequality including,
a.) Closing tax loopholes which unnecessarily benefit top income brackets such as:
i.          Carried interest tax, which allows for lower taxes on money earned from    managing other assets
ii.          Mortgage interest, which gives proportionally larger breaks to rich individuals with much largest mortgages
iii. Ending tax loopholes which avoid taxes on capital gains and assets after death   
c. Refraining from substantial increases in capital gains tax as:
            i. Capital gains has shown to be highly elastic tax
            ii. Such elasticity means businesses will lively more investment offshores
iii. The established revenue maximizing capital gains tax rate for developed economies is around 9.7%

13. Further advises the implementation of cost effective healthcare practices such as emphasizing the use of general practitioners in underdeveloped nations

14. Endorses increasing access to education and healthcare in developing nations through public projects encompassing the construction of educational institutes and facilities

15. Discourages allowing drug companies to subsidize or give benefits to practitioners in exchange for prescribing their drug.

16. Realizes that some countries will integrate women’s education slowly due to cultural beliefs and religious practices

17. Strongly recommends that the previous Austerity commitments are acknowledged, meaning
a.              countries need to pay back their outstanding debts
b.             Until debts are paid off, the IMF will be reluctant to offer further loans
c.              Countries struggling to adhere to these measures are advised to take IMF Technical Assistance courses to create more effective plans to pay off outstanding debt
18. Advises governments to take fiscal steps necessary to encourage adherence to the IMF Policies
19. Urges governments to allocate discretionary spending on things  such as:
a.              Public housing in densely populated areas that lack sufficient accommodations for standards of living
b.             Public transportation in commercial cities
c.              Roads serving to connect food to market or other quintessential services
20. Supports  usage of the following programs as funding mechanisms
a.              IMF
b.             World Banking
c.              Developed countries willing to provide financial aid

21.Suggests the IMF to fund structural reforms in developing nations (e.g. infrastructure and education improvement) through the Extended Fund Facility.

22. Strongly recommends successful, wealthy countries to adopt counter-cyclical fiscal policies

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